Monday, 24 October 2011

Clip of the Week - Week 3

I know I keep saying I'll try and post more often and all that, but it seems I'm quite popular this week lately, and haven't had time. I can tell there are a large number of you who give a shit.

My clip for this week is Sonne, by Rammstein-one of my favourite bands of all time. This song brings back memories, mostly of this year's Big Day Out. I should really post my terrible video of the performance of this song somewhere. Anyway. Great band, awesome song. Note that there's explicit content in the video, etc etc.

This has given me an idea. I'm thinking my next post will be My Life in Gigs. It will be rambling and great. Now, to remember which gigs I've been to...

Sunday, 23 October 2011


Apologies again for my lack of posts lately; it's not been the best week. I'm doing my best to find a way to be long-winded and entertaining for you all again!

I'm not really sure why I'm posting this, as I don't have a lot to say. I'm sitting by the fire at a party. It's 1:30am. It's one of the rare times I've actually been able to see my friends and have a laugh with them and all that, which has been awesome, but at the moment I'm feeling pretty low. I've spent most of the night missing people-some of them present, some of them not. At the moment, all I want is to be with these people. That, and sleep!

I shouldn't even miss some of them. Either I've just seen them (but not for long enough, as usual), or I can't stand them. My mother, for example. I've spent a decent portion of my life wanting nothing more than to be away from her, but right now, I just want to be chilling at home. Guess she isn't the only one who's been possessed by the Pod People! Then there's the third category-the people who I can't admit that I miss, because that would suggest that I'm closer to them than I perhaps 'should' be. That's an exceedingly complicated category, so I'll just move on. Um...what to move on to? No idea, so maybe I'll just stop writing and attempt to rejoin the party. Guess that was my rant for the week: people, and the emotions and the like associated with them, are seriously confusing.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Clip of the Week - Week 2

Greetings readers!

My apologies for the lack of posts lately, but I've been having yet another bout of writers block. It's been great. Anyway, without further ado, here's my second Clip of the Week. It's another old favourite of mine.

I have absolutely nothing to say at the moment, so I'll just finish up now, and will hopefully post something more entertaining in the next couple of days. If there's anything you'd love to 'hear' me rant about, let me know!

Monday, 10 October 2011

Clip of the Week

Hey everyone,

This is the first of what I intend to make a weekly feature on this blog, so that a) you can know a bit more about me, and b) you can be educated on what good music is, in case you weren't already aware. =P

There are no words for the love I have for this song, so I'll just shut up and add the clip. Enjoy!

Sunday, 9 October 2011


So, it's October once again, which means it's time for my annual identity crisis. The time of year where I experience feelings of inadequacy and twinges of longing for university.

I've attempted uni twice before, but left for similar reasons both times. It took two hours of transport each way, and I had no money, and no social skills or confidence; all of which are essential for getting through. Not to mention some faint idea of what you're actually doing there. I failed all but one of my classes the first time around, and the second time, I got stuck taking classes I didn't have any interest or capability in, as all of the classes I wanted to enrol in were apparently scheduled for the same time. It mustn't be very common for a person to want to study English and cinema. Anyway. The point is I was in way over my head, in a number of ways.

Since then, I've pretty much had no idea who I am. When I was young (because, you know, I'm at the walking-frame age now), I was always 'the smart one', 'the gifted one', the one who belonged at university and would undoubtedly be successful. When I was forced to realize that maybe this path wasn't for me after all, I pretty much lost my only defining quality. As a result, every year, when the media bombards me with stories and images of accomplished teens and their worlds of possibilities, I still think "I could be that too. Things have changed. I'm older, richer, more knowledgeable and a more sane person, and I have more options and resources available to me now. It could work." But then I remember reality: I don't have the drive, at least not long-term, I don't know what I want to do, so signing up for tertiary education yet again would be a bit pointless, money would yet again be an issue, I might well end up in classes I don't want or a situation I'm not comfortable/happy in, and I should really be devoting my energy to getting (and keeping) full-time work. However, all the jobs I show any real interest in require education and/or extensive experience.

So, my annual dilemma is this: do I follow a life path because circumstances dictate, and potentially waste my life, or do I try for something I want, despite the fact that it could well end up failing again, and the possibility that I might be wanting/doing all this just to 'fulfill my destiny'?

As a bonus addition, here's my Rant of the Day:

I utterly despise spelling errors. Admittedly, I make a few myself (that's right, you dictionary does not, in fact, know all), but I don't have nearly as many people paying attention as, say, a large company.

I was applying for jobs on Seek last night, and was rudely interrupted with a message saying that the website was down, in order for them to 'inmprove the job seeking experience'. Surely the person/people behind this message would be required to be attentive to details, and have basic knowledge of English? It's a frequent occurrence in job advertisements, as well. A few weeks ago, I noticed a number of vacancies in cafes and restaurants...for 'barristers'. Uh, guys? I'm not likely to apply for any jobs you display if you can't even get the industry right! (Not that I'd be a barista anyway, but this isn't specifically me we're talking about here.) I don't know about any of you, but I refuse to acknowledge businesses that have spelling/grammatical errors in their promotional/recruitment material; it just puts them in a really negative light in my eyes. Like, "you're a large company, yet you can't spell. I don't trust you. Bye." In summary, I have far too much time on my hands, and am far too pedantic for my own good. End rant.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Allow me to introduce myself... listing a few random facts!

  • I'm known for my ranting, hence the blog's title. Facebook isn't really an appropriate place for such long-winded anger.
  • I love black. No, really.
  • I'm a sucker for nostalgia. Cheesy 1990s music, sharing stories with friends, you name it.
  • I swear. A lot.
  • My family is a bit strange, so there will undoubtedly be tales of all those crazy people on here.
  • Without music and friends, my life would be nothing.
  • I'm obsessed with The Simpsons. One of my more frequent rant topics on here will be everything that's wrong with the show.
  • I love to shock people, be it practical jokes or changing myself unexpectedly in some way.
  • You might say I'm a bit of a skank. Not outwardly, though!
  • I started this blog to provide myself with a free hobby, and to possibly resurrect some of my former writing talents. That, and entertaining anyone who may happen upon my ravings and/or stories.
Well, I have nothing left to write about at present, so hopefully that gives all of you some kind of outline of me. (If it does, you'll be one up on me! Being an angsty 21 year old female, I still have no clue who I really am-one of my reasons for being here.) In this blog, I'll be-obviously-ranting, as well as discussing various aspects of my life, and perhaps posting some of the story ideas that I've had over the years. Enjoy!