Friday, 18 November 2011


So I haven't written in ages, and feel extremely guilty-not to mention annoyed! The short version is life has been getting in the way.

Unfortunately, I have no rants at the moment, but I am becoming increasingly irritated by a lack of civility in people these days. Mostly concerning people with children. As we're all aware, Christmas is rapidly approaching, meaning that the shops are packed. A large percentage of these people are oblivious parents, who look on as their little darlings wreck the merchandise, scream their heads off and cough on fellow shoppers. This is not a new question, but it continues to blow my mind: why the fuck would you have children if you're not going to pay attention to them or teach them basic rules of life? I fear for the future of the world.

Now that the obligatory rant is out the way, I'll do some other, less specific ranting! For the first time in ages (unless I have some form of amnesia), I'm genuinely excited for Christmas. So much so that I've had my tree up for a week, and half of the presents are already bought (or at least planned). I also got sent to some 3-day program last week at my employment agency. Unspeakably boring, but at least there was free food and good company! Apparently people have an easier time believing that I'm famous than they do believing that I'm actually 21. For those who aren't aware, I really am 21, but was never on TV. As a result of this program, I'll probably go for my learner's permit next week, purely because I can. I'm scared shitless of driving, but would at least like to have a backup, instead of having to sit back and let public transport dictate to me where I can go and when. Apart from that, not a lot has been happening around here, apart from a lot of shopping! Although I have been thinking about doing more writing in some form. If I had my way, I'd be posting here a lot more than I have been! But yeah, I've had a half-assed story in my head for years, that I originally wrote in about year 8, that I've always wanted to further develop in one way or another. I suppose my dream for it would be to turn it into a novel and then develop a screenplay, but I'm not sure of the likelihood of that! My latest idea is to make a horror anthology of sorts, with frightening, well-written, entertaining short stories. My main problem with that one is getting ideas, so we'll see what happens there! Writing is a lot easier when one actually has an imagination, haha.

Well, I think that about brings you up to speed on my non-existent life, so I might stop the useless chatter and go get some sleep. It was about 35 degrees here today, so I'm pretty much dead. Night, everybody! (Or, you know, nobody. It's fairly certain nobody actually reads this thing!)

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