Wednesday 5 October 2011

Allow me to introduce myself... listing a few random facts!

  • I'm known for my ranting, hence the blog's title. Facebook isn't really an appropriate place for such long-winded anger.
  • I love black. No, really.
  • I'm a sucker for nostalgia. Cheesy 1990s music, sharing stories with friends, you name it.
  • I swear. A lot.
  • My family is a bit strange, so there will undoubtedly be tales of all those crazy people on here.
  • Without music and friends, my life would be nothing.
  • I'm obsessed with The Simpsons. One of my more frequent rant topics on here will be everything that's wrong with the show.
  • I love to shock people, be it practical jokes or changing myself unexpectedly in some way.
  • You might say I'm a bit of a skank. Not outwardly, though!
  • I started this blog to provide myself with a free hobby, and to possibly resurrect some of my former writing talents. That, and entertaining anyone who may happen upon my ravings and/or stories.
Well, I have nothing left to write about at present, so hopefully that gives all of you some kind of outline of me. (If it does, you'll be one up on me! Being an angsty 21 year old female, I still have no clue who I really am-one of my reasons for being here.) In this blog, I'll be-obviously-ranting, as well as discussing various aspects of my life, and perhaps posting some of the story ideas that I've had over the years. Enjoy!

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